Conical 250ul chromatography vial inserts 10-425 HPLC vials Sigma
Common use 10-425 hplc vials with inserts for lab use
„snap“ vials made from glass,PP or TPX; Screw vials. for manual use and autosamplers. type of neck 8,9,10-425,choice of different color caps and sept with 8,9 or 10 mm diameter; clear and Aijiren glass; different types of inserts or use of conical vials with
Sigma 250ul conical insert manufacturer-HPLC Vial Inserts
250uL Conical Micro-Insert,31*5.7mm, Suits for 9mm Vials ; Box Package 250uL Conical Micro-Insert,31*5.7mm, Suits for 9mm Via...
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